Iryna’s Christmas Party for Her Community in Western Ukraine

The Australian radio ministry Hope 103.2 interviewed Iryna, one of our Ukrainian ECMers, who shared what Christmas looks like for a Christian worker serving in a country in war. She invites us to witness what life's like in Lviv and how Christmas this year still will be a celebration of joy and hope.
During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Lviv, where most of our team in Ukraine is based, has become home for the greatest number of internal refugees. The huge increase in population has caused ongoing power and infrastructure issues.
Heading further into the European winter as Christmas approaches, Iryna was able to speak with Australian "Hope Mornings" from Lviv – in between electricity outages.
Iryna and her husband lead New Hope, a Christian support and outreach ministry of ECM. Involved with church planting, a pre-school, youth ministry and other charitable programs, New Hope also cares for Ukrainian people displaced by war.