READ our stories about what is going on across Europe,
PRAY for the projects and the workers involved!

Romanian ECMers make the New Testament accessible in their own native language

Bible new hope.jpgJuly - 23 - 2024 10:17 The team has already succeeded in translating, publishing and printing Matthew, Romans, Ephesians, Colossians, James, 1,2,3 John and Revelation and more. full story

Planting Refuge and Hope

News Stories (2).pngJuly - 17 - 2024 12:42 Just as the miracle of a seed transforming underneath the soil, the Greenhouse Community project in Schwerin-Lankow, Germany is transforming from the inside out. full story

The Blessings of Summer Camp

News Stories (1).pngJuly - 05 - 2024 12:34 Since 2004, Camp Timok has been blessing children and their families and has seen many come to follow Jesus. Some have now entered full time ministry as elders, pastors or missionaries. The camp began with a dream and simple tents, but has since been able to build a dormitory, meeting hall, kitchen and dining room to serve 70 people at once. full story

Who will bring HOPE?

VOTE.jpgJuly - 02 - 2024 12:22 Trusting God in the midst of the elections. full story

What can football teach us about the spiritual needs in Europe?

md-mahdi-lQpFRPrepQ8-unsplash-2.jpgJune - 25 - 2024 09:22 There are 16 football teams in the group stage of the 2024 Euros. But what is the spiritual situation in the countries they come from? full story

Europe is not post-Christian. It is pre-revival.

Bible with map.jpgJune - 18 - 2024 10:11 Europe is a tremendously diverse and dynamic context for Christian mission. With more than 40 countries and more than 30 national languages, Europe defies easy definition... full story

Another example of God at work in Europe

Microphone.pngJune - 11 - 2024 12:35 At ECM we love to see God doing things through others. That's why we are excited that the European Leadership Forum has broken its attendance record with over 800 Christian leaders from 51 countries gathering in Poland to discuss mission in today’s ‘post-Christian’ Europe. full story

Prayer changes things!

mohamed-nohassi-odxB5oIG_iA-unsplash-2.jpgJune - 04 - 2024 10:19 Europe won't change unless God moves. And our Father loves to answer our prayers. That's why we are offering you our free monthly Prayer Diary to help you know how to pray. full story

A picture of heaven?

BWR photo May 2024.jpgMay - 28 - 2024 12:07 Why getting ECM Britain's missionaries, staff and trustees together for a retreat reminds us of heaven. full story

Living out multiplication today!

Jesus.jpgMay - 21 - 2024 10:13 Tom and Grace Campbell from Amazing Grace Community Church in Ireland remind us of one of the God's earliest command to His people -- Multiply! full story

A place of rest... and salvation

News Stories (1).pngMay - 16 - 2024 10:32 Six years ago, the Aldanas and the Webbs arrived in the Basque Country, Spain with the hope of planting a church, when the mayor made a quick remark about the possibility of a small guest house for Camino pilgrims. Fast forward to 2024, and you find a small church plant and a fully furnished guest house with space for 12, having welcomed its first pilgrims. full story

5 tips for making mission trips more multipliable

Community.jpgMay - 07 - 2024 12:30 David and Samantha Gilkinson share their experience of how to facilitate mission teams that are sustainable, multipliable and worthwhile for local churches while still engaging local Spanish young people in the process. full story