Churches unite for mission in France

Exciting recent news -- 33 unions of churches and 180 evangelical Protestant organizations join forces!
Adapted from an article in Evangelical Focus.
On 6 December 2023, the National Council of Evangelicals in France approved a document to “bring vision and unity to the mission of the churches, without denying their diversity”.
A document called Together in mission. A missionary impulse for evangelicals in France was validated almost unanimously by delegates representing the 33 unions of churches and 180 evangelical Protestant organisations.
After two years of working together, the members of the CNEF declared “convinced that God is sending us out into the world together, we propose a common vision that will enable the different Evangelical Protestants to find their place in a movement of unity in the service of the mission that God has entrusted us”.
According to Erwan Cloarec, president of the CNEF: “We hope that members will seize the text to implement it on the ground and that this will give rise to joint projects”.
ECMers Usha Reifsnider and Jim Memory, who are Co-Regional Directors for Lausanne Europe, attended the meeting. Usha emphasised the inclusive scope of the text, stating that it is thanks to the differences in perspectives, origins, and specificities that Christians will succeed in leading people to Christ. Jim reaffirmed the importance of churches being relevant to the cultural context where they work, which “is not something static, so that if we need to study the Scriptures, we also need to study our culture in order to know how to transmit the gospel”.
For more information about ECM’s ministry in France click here
To find out about the work of Jim and Christine Memory at ECM please click here