Is God calling you to serve Him in Europe?

How do you know? Where should you start?
At ECM we are passionate about helping people discover where God wants them to serve Him. For some, that will be somewhere in Europe.
Usually discerning the way forward comes from conversation -- first with God, second with people who know you well (such as a church leader), but also with someone who knows about missions and the opportunities in Europe. That is where we come in.
Therefore, if God has been guiding you to consider serving Him in Europe, please get in touch for a conversation!
Call us on 01604 497603 or send Sarah Hay and Christine Memory an email to: and they will be more than happy to come alongside you and guide you thorugh the process.
You can also explore where we work and the opportunities available at: or
It can also be helfpul to read encouraging stories about God at work such as "How Europe is meeting Jesus today" in our latest magazine (you'll find it here).
We look forward to talking to you!