Equipped to make disciples

Stoll 2023.jpgTuesday 01 August 2023 09:49

ECM workers are equipping people across Europe to meet and become more like Christ. Here is how Gary and Ioana Stoll are doing this in Romania.

As much as we would love to be able to walk into local schools and preach the gospel, we are not allowed. But we have young people in our church who do have access into schools and can speak to their friends about Jesus. We have found this to be the most effective way of reaching the lost, by peer-to-peer evangelism. So as missionaries, a huge part of our work involves equipping young people to be disciples and to make disciples. This requires a significant amount of time and prayer. It means that we need to cut back on other activities that might be considered more evangelistic. Evangelism is important of course, but discipleship is more than evangelism, since it involves teaching people to obey everything Jesus has commanded us (Matthew 28:20). Well-equipped disciples go out and evangelise and make disciples. This is something many of our young people are actively doing in schools. Once a month we run a meeting called Team Training where a dozen or so young people come along. We usually eat together before exploring what the Bible has to say about discipleship, mission, and sharing the gospel. Participants are asked to present a short evangelistic talk and receive feedback. This work has not only helped young people become better disciples but has equipped more leaders who are actively serving on the mission field. Jesus is the greatest leader, for He made disciples that made disciples.

To find out more about Gary and Ioana click here

To read more about "Equipping across Europe" in our latest magazine click here

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