What does love look like?

girl with oranges.jpgTuesday 09 June 2020 14:24

In this time of crisis, the basic needs of society only become more acute and Christians need to respond to help the people and families most affected.

Project Dorcas, in association with Good Samaritan Centre in Pozoblanco, Spain, shows how Christians can bless their local communities in practical ways.

Project Dorcas helps in four key areas: 

1. Providing basic food, nappies and hygiene to families in need. Each batch contains milk and other basic products such as sugar, oil, cocoa, biscuits, rice, pasta, gel, shampoo, dish detergent, etc. Last year they distributed more than 5000 pounds of food, with 462 batches going to 139 people in 44 households. 

2. Helping with payment of bills such as electricity, water, rent, gas, medicine and diesel fuel.

3. Offering regular workshops on important topics such as managing emotions like anger, fear, sadness and grief, communications and self-esteem.

4. Collecting second-hand clothes or belongings and giving them to needy people and families.                     

May we all find ways to show Christ’s love to those around us.

To find out more about the Good Samaritan Centre, click here.

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